
Showing posts from January, 2019

Wal Mart Gallery Wrapped Canvas / Pour

I took a photo of my original pour and sent it in to WalMart Photo Department on line.  I was apprehensive but what a FANTASTIC job they did.  In the post prior to this one you can see my original....not the best because it was a repair  but I loved the design.  Below is my 11" x 14" Walmart piece for under $30.  They carried the design around the edges and the backing is wonderful not to mention it is better than my original....the flaws don't show.  I am delighted....

Fluid Art

Last night I did some pouring.  This is a repair.  The first one was HORRIBLE so I scraped it off and using the same colors.......with the addition of black I poured again and I am thrilled.  It is done on a square canvas and I am going to have it duplicated on another canvas so I can play with it a bit without ruining this.  It is wet here but dried the same and tonight I will get a finish coat on it.  I don't see any silicone oil so I am pretty sure I am "safe".  Lots of people wait weeks and even a month to finish but I haven't had a result I didn't like.