
Showing posts from December, 2019

Beginning Intuitive Art

I guess this is going to be a mixed media dimensional project.  I am just beginning and believe me when I say I have NO idea where I am going.  I am just "doing". This evening I worked some more on it so will add another picture soon.   I find myself "wandering".  Picking up things that "might be what I need".  It is one of those cases where you just kinda "wander" mentally and physically and pretty soon you have a pile of "stuff".  I may not use it....but then again I may.  I am not going to "force" the piece I am going to let it lead me wherever it is I am to go... The face is a mold I made out of a 2 part molding compound.   I probably should have sanded it a bit more after I took the clay out of the mold and after baking....but I didn't ;  so evidently it was not a necessary step for what I am I am not going to "sweat it" just yet. The paint is a "new" paint for me .... coming from a  dec...