Pour Painting

Paint pouring has become an infatuation with me....when I go to the studio in the evening it "calls" to me...I swear.

Techniques that I have learned through the years as well as mediums come into play with all types of painting even something as "out of control" in so many ways as pour painting is to an artist.  I have become "more playful".  If a pour doesn't turn out well I still have options and sometimes these options of play just add to the uniqueness of "me" and not that of another.  I like to find out what I need and the basic technique and then kinda quit.  It is such a freeform that copyright doesn't come in to play....duplication is pretty improbable.    It is fun learning how to HAVE control in achieving a look ...

This is my glass vase that I have had for a long time and it had a big crack in it. Rather than throw it away I decided to do a pour.  The vase was frosted.  Because the base is so big and down to so small I just wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. (Vases are poured from bottom to top).    I LOVE IT and I wonder if I could ever achieve a similar "openwork" if I found a similar big base small top vase in the future.  This is one of my most favorite pieces and I am glad that it is defective and I can't sell it.

This is how it looks at night with some lights inside.  SO PRETTY....


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