Clay Stamp and its Progression Stages #2

I just ordered and received this rubber stamp from a clay teacher overseas and I am anxious to work with it.  I actually ordered 3 other stamps and have an order in for a couple more as well as some cutters.   I don't think that I am going to offer any of them for sale on my Etsy site and reserve them more for my own personal use. 

I have a couple of different ideas for this one so it will be fun to see what happens.....  Stay tuned.

My favorite clay is the Sculpty Ultra light.  It only comes in white which suits me just fine and because I have had a surgery on my right hand most clays are just too hard for me and creates unwanted pain.  I have loved it from my very first brick. 

Also on order is on book that looked interesting and if it proves to be what I think it will be I am going to enjoy the knowledge and a lot of the items that are shown.  

We just had an air conditioner put into my little art shop so I think I am going to be spending a LOT more time down here Playing......I guess at 73 (almost) I am going to have a second childhood.  Life needs to be fun.
Welcome to my blog and I hope to meet some new friends.

DAY #2

I have 2 pieces stamped, baked and waiting for creation.  I really like the blue and white of this stamp so I am thinking that may be where I start...colors just like the stamp....achieving them?  Well, that is going to be horse of a different color....but challenge is good...and who knows...the WHOLE thing could change once I start.
One is going to be a focal piece for a necklace and I also smoothed clay over a small canvas square board.....  I have been working on a few changes in the master bath so this is where this piece may go and if so we are talking an ink blue and  ..... probably a fleshy beige.   I am hoping I can get to them this week.  Right now I am working on a couple of other necklaces which I will post when finished.  


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