I purchased this delightful 15 drawer cupboard at our local RESTORE Habitat for Humanity.  I was DELIGHTED....BUT, along with it comes some major work in cleaning, re-arranging, etc.  HOUSECLEANING... (this is the 2nd time I have used this word and did a housecleaning procedure "of sorts" in the past couple of days).   The drawers are deep and long which is wonderful.  Most definitely a "find" and a "steal" getting an additional 20% off.

So...I have found myself finding things I had forgotten I had, pulled some pure to do some paintings on using the pour as a background, found some items to mail to friends, etc.  I even stop and play for awhile but I am having to step over piles and that is not good so more work tomorrow so I can at least pass through....

Housecleaning.  Getting rid of the old which no longer serves its' purpose and getting back to the basics.  Decluttering.


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