Halloween Intuitive Collage DONE

Sometimes it is just fun to not care .... to just sit and play. I am sure my daughter will have a Halloween spot at her store so I decided to play around with some stencils, Black molding paste, and a pour I did on canvas where it just was a painting and was the perfect size and color for a Halloween collage. I am not sure if it is done or not...I am wanting to do more I think so I will take a look tomorrow and I can be thinking about it during the day. For some reason I want to put some gauze on....maybe as the skeletons garment. All I knew when I started was I wanted Halloween...so I got out my Halloween ones, spider webs, the black modeling clay....and just began. I am pretty sure I have decided to hand this with some black chain....but who knows? Will post it finished.... FINISHED. I JUST HAVE TO PURCHASE AND ADD SOME BLACK CHAIN FOR HANGING.