This is the last stage of a pair of focal pieces designed for necklaces..  I used polymer clay and a couple of rubber stamps, as well as some plastic molds that I purchase from a Russian clay artist.
Also used were various colors, and various brands .... I pull randomly.

Paul Bozzo is a fantastic artist who applies layers of color to his designs so I wanted to see what would happen with clay, and smaller items.  A definite challenge but a learning one.  The only way to get where you're going is to get started.

In certain areas I love the way it almost looks as if this was a carved bone with color(s) added here and there.  After I applied the final finish coat and it was dry I buffed the pieces with a soft cloth to get a more natural look instead of it screaming CLAY.....

 Now,  I am looking through my bead stash to find what I am looking for that I don't know I am looking for because I won't know what I want until I see it..

Check back to see the finished design.

                                                             So Intuitive art.

I see so many different artists out there and I LOVE what I see them they achieve what they want to achieve when they don't have a lot to go on until the piece progresses.  I see abstract Intuitive,  spiritual intuitive, and I am sure I will find more and more adjectives used the move I explore.    The artists'  I have see thus far are simply amazing...and I sit in awe.  To be a the type of intuitive painter I think I am striving for is in my head and I need to get within thethe surfaces I am working on.   The intuitive part comes in because all of this is a brand new journey for me.  And it is exciting.  And I have no idea where it is going.

When you see techniques, moves, colors or tools another artists uses they make it look incredibly  easy, so random, so matter of fact.....but it is more than that.  There is color, balance. movement, a statement made or silence, mood, association, eye stoppers, size, etc.  All of that;  in my opinion, is what takes a piece of art to that next step of completion and how you accomplish the look you want.

I am grateful that back in the day when I did decorative painting I primarily took classes in which I could learn a new technique.  Stippling, thatching, a special brush, a new line of paint, an embellishment, etc.  Also when I took classes I watched what the teacher was doing  and how she was doing it.  Some artists some do things instinctively, without thinking and sometimes those are the most important things to learn.  When I watch a video...I watch it the first time with no sound, then I listen to what is being said...and even play a guessing game as to what the teacher is going to do next, or what I would do at that stage in the non talking mode.

So what are you doing in your art that makes YOU an intuitive painter?

Intuitively yours........


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