Narcissist Truths

When I read a post that confirms my suspicions ...I have to share in hopes it will make the light come on for other victims and or survivors still needing confirmations to alleviate some of the guilt, and self esteem issues they suffer thinking it was them...and not understanding fully the craziness of Narcissism and the narcissist.  Here in  just one big sentence they realize and can SEE another
truth....vs the illusion....the veil the narcissist wears... but sometimes their excitement in achievement gives them away once you go back and relive the situation(s).

  This is SO the truth and it feels so good to KNOW that someone else has also had the same
 experience and has shared it to help someone like me.  I even can look back and see how certain things were "set up" how it was achieved and the innocent participants...along with the look of satisfaction on the perpetrators face as she realized "success"  and that portion of her play had just had a standing ovation of success.  When these "episodes" would happen with me and I looked in her direction, my intuition was screaming  DANGER.   A look only a victim would be able to go back and realize ......

I feel so sorry for the participants....because they are still in the dark and have yet to "wake up" to some embarrassing realizations.   And...there is nothing I can say, or can do, that would make sense to them ....  for them to realize the truth.  Why?  Because it is craziness.  CRAZINESS.


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