ABOVE IS MY FINISHED PIECE OF ARTWORK. BELOW IS HOW IT STARTED. I have matted and framed using my "stash". I cannot believe I had the perfect size and match. That doesn't happen very often. I have hung it where I can see it several times a day to determine whether it is REALLY DONE and soon it will be FOR SALE. Since we have to be social distancing I thought I would distance myself with some art. The 1st photo shows a pour I did a few months ago. Nothing special but a nice piece to play with and see what might or might not happen ..and a learning experience. The unicorn is a stencil and I used gold, silver, copper and white modeling paste. I let it dry overnight and in the morning I applied a coat of Satin varnish in preparation for the next time I would work on it. The varnish protects this stage and in the event I don't like what I do next I can easily wipe it off. The stencil I have laid...