OCEAN MOTION.....Susan Farrell Technique

I am nearly finished with this one.  I have added 2 more layers of paint since this photo and I am now getting ready to do my last step or two.  In this photo I was on my 3rd layer.


I kinda hate finishing a piece because that means "this journey is over". 

I have signed up for Susans Stained Glass online class and I am getting ready to begin step 1.  Just have to look through my stencils and pick which ones I want to use for the different 
stencil layers I know we will be doing.

In my mind; for one. I want to do an Egyptian/Spiritual theme so I have to be thinking towards that one also for stencils and colors.  

I am not sure if the edges on this one will be silver or copper foil...but by the time I get 
to this stage I probably will totally go in another unexpected direction.

ART HEALS.....helps us to get "out of our head" and into a more intuitive state..where things are actually clearer...and you "feel" what is right, what is true, and there is just one solution.....
which I am hoping everyone will eventually see. 

I will add a finished photo later so check back.

Done.  All that is left for me  to do is take care of the edges and I think I am going to 
call this one Done.  
I posted this on Facebook and one of my friends said "BUSY but not too Busy".  So I have had busy on my mind.  She is right...it is bordering on busy.... 
I have realized a couple of things regarding this painting:
1.  I need to have a variety of different size stencils.... I have too many small ones which is giving it a  too busy look.
2.  I need to have more purple stencils on the bottom 
3.  No Modeling paste for stencils unless I am REALLY sure that is what I want.  I have a big blurb on this one I don't like.
4.  With the 1st application of the white stencils I need more and once again some stencils are too small so I need to concentrate of bigger stencils.

SO>>>>>>hopefully this might help someone else along life' artistic journey of what ifs........


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