Fall Leaves

I LOVE the colors of fall....it is so beautiful here in OR.   Reminds me so much of my hometown state of PA especially in the fall.  We don't have the hills and valleys like PA but as the Bend grew so did the trees and bushes and they wisely planted those that change color in the fall to gorgeous shades of oranges, and reds, yellows and brown.

 My daughter and son in law have a store and in the front area she has 2 pine trees (as there are so many here in the more rural areas) and decorates them with the season or holiday.  I am hoping she will like these once I get the backs done, the holes driller and the string to hang.

September first is right around the corner and I have absolutely NO idea where summer went.  Seems we were just waiting for it a week ago and it is on its way out...hoping for a long fall and a short winter.

These are wooden circles that I pour painted....well actually, dipped in run off from a curved glass piece that I poured first.

HAPPY FALL TO ALL and to All a good night....


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